METEC 2019

We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone visiting us in the LIMAB booth last week at METEC 2019. A lot of interesting and constructive discussions around our laser based measurement solutions for the metals industry.

Hope to see you all soon again!

Great success at Tube 2018 in Düsseldorf

The Tube 2018 exhibition in Düsseldorf during April 16-20 was a great success for LIMAB. During the week, our stand was full with visitors interested in our in-line measurement systems for the tube industry. LIMAB has the capability of delivering several different product versions to measure tube OD, ovality, straightness, shape, length and defects.

Please visit our homepage for more infomation regarding our measurement solutions.

A big thanks to all visitors taking time to visit us and hope to see you all soon again.

LIMAB at Tube 2016 in Düsseldorf

LIMAB was exhibiting their dimensional measurement solutions for the steel industry at Tube & Wire Düsseldorf 2016.

Thanks to all of you visiting the LIMAB booth at Tube 2016. This year we had a chance to display several products. Some examples:

  • TubeProfiler 3D: full scanning of your tubes and billets with our integrated ProfiCura 2D sensors. Full representation of OD, ovality and shape on round and square material.
  • ProfiCura Smart 2D: stand-alone 2D laser sensor with selectable measurement modes. In our stand we showed the configuration to measure tube OD, which makes it possible to replace dangerous manual measurements in hot conditions.

Hope to see you all soon again.

Tube 2016

LIMAB exhibits at Tube 2016

LIMAB will be present at the international exhibition Tube 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The exhibition will take place between April 4-8 and you will find us in Hall 07a at stand B14.

During the exhibition we will show our range of measurement solutions for the tube and pipe industry.

We are looking forward meeting you at the show.


Successful participation at METEC 2015

LIMAB was exhibiting their dimensional measurement solutions for the steel industry at METEC 2015.

Thanks to all of you visiting the LIMAB booth at METEC 2015. This year we had a chance to display several products. Some examples:

– BarProfiler 3D: full scanning of your bars and billets with our integrated ProfiCura 2D sensors. Full representation of OD, ovality, shape and 3-roll characteristics.

– ProfiCura Smart 2D: stand alone 2D laser sensor with selectable measurement modes. In our stand we showed the configuration to measure tube OD, which makes it possible to replace dangerous manual measurements in hot conditions.

Hope to see you all soon again.

LIMAB at AISTech 2014

LIMAB at AISTech 2014 in Indianapolis, USA

LIMAB participated at the Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition, AISTech 2014, in Indianapolis, USA, during May 5-7

We would like to thank all visitors for showing interest in our measurement solutions for the steel industry, namely:

TubeProfiler and HotProfiler: dimensional measurements for tubes and bars. Especially our solution for in-line straightness measurements of tubes was highly appreciated

WireProfiler: dimensional measurements of wires

SlabProfiler 3D: dimensional measurements of slabs and heavy plates

We are looking forward meeting you all next year in Cleveland.